Okay, so today I decided to mess around with a “football position test” just for kicks. I wasn’t really expecting anything serious, just wanted to see what it would say about my supposed skills on the field.
First, I found a test online. There are like a million of these things, so I just picked one that looked kinda fun and didn’t ask for my email or anything. You know, keep it simple.
The test itself was pretty basic. It asked me a bunch of questions about my preferences and physical abilities, stuff like:
- How fast I can run?
- How good is my reaction time?
- Am I a risk taker?
- Can I handle pressure?
- Am I strong?
I just answered them as honestly as I could, even though some of them were kinda silly. Like, I’m not exactly out there measuring my sprint speed on the regular, you know?
Then there was a section asking about my attitude, It asked me about my:
- Game Focus
- Teamwork
- Leadership
I answered them as honestly as I could.
After I answered all the questions, I hit the “submit” button and waited for the results. To be honest, I was half expecting it to tell me I should be a water boy or something, but it actually came back with “Defender.”
I thought “Defender” fit me well.
So yeah, that was my little adventure with the football position test. Nothing groundbreaking, but a fun way to spend a few minutes. Maybe it’ll inspire me to actually get out on the field sometime soon… maybe.